You see, back in June/July, we had a mini-vacation, house guests constantly rotating through, dance competitions to prep for, and just general business. And then, well, the end of July came and we got big news...
We're expecting!
That's right, a mini crafter is in the making! Or Irish dancer. Ok, let's be honest - both.
But with this big news came the other symptoms. A LOT of morning sickness and nausea. And like they say, morning sickness never seems to just hit in the morning. So between sitting upright and working in front of a computer all day, I haven't had much energy (or just the general ability) to continue to do so in front of a sewing machine or even to go through blog posts. I've gotten so behind!
And with the prospect of an expanding waistline and my lack of knit sewing skills (I know I need to just suck it up), I haven't made much of anything.
But the morning sickness is slowly getting better. I'm now approaching the 14 week mark and in the second trimester. I'm waiting for that time when I start to get that 'pregnancy glow.' Tell me that's coming soon? Right?? And I need to start tidying up the craft room to get ready to consolidate our offices and guest rooms to make room for baby. A March baby is an exciting prospect for me, though my husband doesn't wish for a St. Patrick's Day baby like I do. ;)
So readers, I really appreciate your patience in my absence. I'm looking forward to start baking again and to get back in front of the sewing machine. I do plan on braving a couple of clothing pieces, but I will probably get more side projects done, such as an Amy Butler bag that I've had cut out forever, and more knitting and cross stitch projects. I also need to get through my long list of blog posts that I have neglected reading. I've only been vaguely aware of events from a few facebook pages and emails (oh if I could just fit into the new Colette patterns in the next year!).
While this project was fairly fast, it was a pain. I did include the ric rac trim which had to be pinned in place just so in order to have a proper amount show when the fabric was inverted. I don't know if it's because my sewing was a little rusty, but I probably pinned my hand more than I pinned the fabric. At least, while the sewing process was taking place. Also, lining up the two fabrics to match completely... I swear, no matter how much ironing I do, I just cannot line things up like that. It's probably a patience thing.
But I do think it came out pretty cute. My friend picked out the fabrics. We just went with a blue and green stripe for one side and a coordinating polka dot for the other. Will I make another? Ehhhmmmm.... maybe for my own child? Or even just without that painful ric rac? We'll see.
So once again, thank you for sticking with me. I'm excited to be back and can't wait to see what you all have been up to!