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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Crochet Projects and Craft Markets

Back in 2013, shortly after we moved to North Carolina and when my eldest was still under one-year old, I participated in my first craft market. It was a small European theme'd holiday market that was very successful for my small business of burp cloths and baby lovies, but I wasn't ready to pursue that venture much further due to the craziness of life at the time.

I'm now in a different season and the kids are a lot more self-sufficient and busy with school and sports. So, I've finally been able to pick my crafts back up and get back to my various fiber-art hobbies. I've been really into crochet for the last year, after trying to get back into knitting again and just being overly ambitious with complicated projects. I started doing crochet amigurumi with plush yarns... and fell in love.

I've fully embraced this hobby and find it's perfect for my restless mind. I love to put on an audiobook and pickup my crochet hook and a pattern, and fully immerse myself in a project. The completion of each one is so satisfying, and I've found a lively online community of crocheters and crafters again. 

This summer, after chatting with my friend over our latest projects, we decided to try out the market space again. We set a goal of launching in late October/early November and set to furiously producing crochet and knit goods. Well, it's continued to evolve and I completed 8 markets over a 3 month period. It was a bit ambitious, but I had fun, learned a ton, and am ready to continue with the local market scene as well as build my Etsy shop back up. 

I look forward to sharing business updates on my blog, but follow my Instagram and Etsy for the latest details of what I'm making. On this blog, I'll share higher level breakdowns of market experiences, tips, and other things I'm learning in this crafty world that I'm joining. Hopefully I can share some of my own crochet patterns, too! Stay tuned!

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