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Monday, April 18, 2011

Summer Sails Dress

Aside from some of the growing pains I had from the Spring Palette Challenge, I really enjoyed it.  I liked planning out my sewing strategy, deciding on a color palette and theme, and having an overall timeline to keep me on track.

Therefore, I decided to continue on with my own Summer Palette Challenge.  I've picked out my patterns and my color palette is primarily navy blue, yellow and a reddish/orange.  

I started off with this anchor print linen that I found at JoAnn's.  Luckily they were having a sale so I could justify it.  I also picked up Simplicity 2363 - a nice, sleeveless dress that would be perfect for summer.

I added a thin lace trim to the edging of the the dress and the neckline.

This dress makes me so excited for the summer months!  

What about you? What are your summer sewing plans?  


  1. Thats a great dress, and it really suits you. Such pretty fabric and I love the sailor-y detailing at the back. If you keep wearing this about the place I think your husband will HAVE to whisk you off on a holiday :)

  2. Adorable dress - I love how the hint is to a sailor motif! Great job!!

  3. Thanks ladies! I'm obsessed with nautical! Luckily with Highland dancing, we have a whole Sailor's Hornpipe to go along with it. I though this was a nice salute without being too over the top. ;)

  4. Looks great and comfy too!

  5. What a great style and color on you! Lovely!

    Summer sewing? It will just be an extension of my spring sewing. Maybe next year I'll plan a palette.

  6. OMG! That is TOO cute! I love nautical stuff. I've always wanted to knit a sweater with a middy collar.

  7. I have this pattern but I was always skeptical it would turn out nice in real life - so glad I happened upon your excellent rendition of it! I'm going to make it for myself soon, even though summer is over and I'm on the East Coast. Thank you for the inspiration!


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