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Sunday, January 01, 2012

Looking forward to 2012...

Literally, I'm totally looking forward to 2012! I can't wait to continue on with this crafting momentum.  I want to make a few more Colette patterns (because really, they're my favorite - her directions are so clear and I'm totally into her book right now), and I want to try so many more new things.  Before I get carried away, here's the summary of what I want to do in 2012:

* Make at least 2 garments each month in following with the Sew Weekly themes. I know I'll probably make more than that, but I want to be realistic, and I want to focus on quality and doing things right.
* Participate in another seasonal palette challenge (ex. Colette's Spring Challenge) 
* Participate in another me-made/self-stitched challenge (ex. Self-Stitched September)
* Make more pants and tops - my closet is becoming overwhelmed by all of the dresses and skirts that I've made!  And I like trying the techniques involved in making separates.
* Finish the quilt that I started earlier in the year.  If I don't commit to this, it's never going to get done!

In addition, I would like to finish my crochet blanket in the next couple of months.  I was hoping to finish it in December, but being almost halfway done, I'm seeing that it's becoming quite a daunting task.  The bigger it gets, the slower it seems to go.  Just attaching each hexagon becomes a little bit harder as you have to manage this heavy blanket that you're now working with.  Anyways, that's one thing I'd like to get done.

I'd also like to open my etsy shop.  It's there, but there's nothing in it yet.  I have some vintage patterns that I'd like to list, as well as some cross stitch patterns once I really get going on that.  

That seems like a lot, but I know I can do it.  It's easy to stay on track when I have such awesome support from my readers.  That being said, thank you again for following my blog! I'm also looking at having some guest posts in 2012, as well as more giveaways!  I'll keep you posted!

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