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Monday, December 27, 2010

Off the grid

Wow! The last two weeks have been crazy! As usual, when it rains, it pours, and as I got ready for the holidays, work was crazier than ever.  I had a lot of deadlines that I had to meet before I could escape for my vacation, so unfortunately I wasn’t able to blog as much as I would liked.  I was also furiously crafting to get out my final Christmas gifts.  Ultimately, I was able to finish the main things I needed to get done and on the first day of the holiday shutdown, I was on my way to a private retreat with my hubby, and my fur-baby, Wallace.

It’s not often that we can take our dog with us on vacation, but for a few years I’ve had friends tell me about a place in Anderson Valley that is the perfect getaway.  It’s hard to take it seriously though... with a name like: Sheep Dung.  That’s right, Sheep Dung.  It’s set of two properties, The Other Place and Long Valley Ranch that house several cottages that are individually fenced in and technically ‘off-the-grid.’  

The cottage that we stayed at, The Buckeye, was situated on about an acre of land completely fenced in for Wallace to sniff as he pleased.  We had a spooky old barn and tree located at the top of the property which led to some photography fun.  When we weren’t enjoying the property, we were checking out some of the surrounding wineries and coastal cities.  

We enjoyed some delicious wines (Roederer was my favorite), visited the Mendocino Botanical Gardens, and checked out the local scenery.  I finished a couple of craft projects (more on those later) and spent lots of quality time with the hubby and Wallace.  It was a wonderful start to the Christmas vacation, but now we’re back home with internet connection and my craft room.


  1. Looks beautiful! Happy holidays and 2011 to you!


  2. what a lovely little vacation. I wish I could do normal stuff like that...someday...


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