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Monday, May 21, 2012

Me Made May: Days 13-18

Ugh, this past week was brutal.  Physically and emotionally draining.  Work was super busy - I've got a lot going on right now.  Also, I'm trying to win a workout contest at my local fitness studio (the Dailey Method) so I've been going pretty much every day, or doubling up classes when I know I'll have to miss a day later in the week.  The good news is, I'm in the lead!  Then family stuff. Well, don't get me started.  The hubby and I were already dealing with emotional stuff and now this... Everything happens in 3's right? I'm not even sure what number we're on.  Anyways, enough moping.  I managed to get every MMM day in, though one was a repeat, and a pretty weak one at that.  I did get some sewing done which helped me to destress a little bit. But you'll get to see that outfit later this week, and as part of next week's MMM review!

Day 13
What I Did: Went to a friends house to watch Sense and Sensibility and have a knitting party.  I brought my crochet blanket so that I could make some progress on it.

Day 14
What I Wore: Pajama Party Pants
What I Did: Worked from home.  Needed comfy pants to get through the long day.

Day 15
What I Did: Workety, work, work, work!

Day 16
What I Wore: Deja vu? Pajama Party Pants
What I Did: I worked from home in workout clothes but ended up just wearing my pj pants again in the evening.  I didn't wear the same top - the picture is just a repeat from the other day.

Day 17
What I Wore: Plaid Summer Dress. Yup, I wear this a lot.
What I Did: Went into the office but didn't manage to get a picture until I was home at the end of the day.

Day 18
What I Wore: Summer Sails Dress
What I Did: The hubby and I went out to a casual dinner in our local downtown area.  The weather was beautiful and we just wanted to relax after a draining week.


  1. How exciting. Hope you win the contest ... Hard work will pay off in double.

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Love the collared blouse. Really love. I hope things get better this week. It's a holiday weekend this weekend and I'm so stoked!

  3. I love the plaid summer dress. I do not have enough hand-made items to participate in a challenge like this. Good for you.


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